So how to stay motivated?
Well, taking a hard look in the mirror helps. Yes, like most women, I'm overly critical on myself. But at the same time, I can't just think oh, I'm doing so good because my clothes are baggy. I have to appreciate my success, but then acknowledge I have many miles to go. For me, taking a hard look in the mirror sans clothes helps with this. I see areas that I'm still not happy with, which makes me put on the shoes and move, even if I don't want to.
I've also set up some rewards - both short and long term. First, if I do the cardio I need to do during the week and stick with that schedule for the month, then I'll reward myself with a new pair of shoes. Ahh... new shoes. Is there any better reward? Then, if I get to where I want by August (which is bathing suit ready), I'll go shopping for a new outfit PLUS shoes (always have to have the shoes & I'm thinking a really good pair, like Badgley Mischkas). Then my long term reward is a shopping spree for a new wardrobe. Because
I want to encourage two things. First, in previous attempts to get healthy, I used certain foods as rewards (like ice cream). Clearly, this never worked for me and is almost counter-productive to my long term goals. I recommend using non-food rewards - whatever works for you. For me, it's shopping and shoes. Second, take out the "can't" and "ifs" in your vocabulary (notice I stuck out the "if" in the previous paragraph). Be like Yoda - do or do not, there is no try. It is amazing how changing your vocabulary will effect your mental state. I WILL do my cardio and WHEN I meet my goals, I get new shoes!
So, that's my plan for staying motivated.